1. Monographie // 2023

    Nachhaltiges Handeln in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

    Klimawandel, Artensterben, Energie- und Rohstoffmangel sind globale Herausforderungen, die unmittelbar mit unserer Wirtschaftsweise verbunden sind. Sie betreffen unser Dasein im Kern und gefährden die…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-030 // 2023

    Long-Run Consequences of Informal Elderly Care and Implications of Public Long-Term Care Insurance

    We estimate a dynamic structural model of labor supply, retirement, and informal care supply, incorporating labor market frictions and the German tax and benefit system. We find that in the absence of Germany’s…

  3. ZEW policy brief Nr. 23-08 // 2023

    Höheres Renteneintrittsalter reduziert privates Sparen – aber erhöht Gesamteinkommen – von Frauen

    Um die Finanzierung des Rentensystems bei zunehmender Erhöhung des Alters in der Gesellschaft zu stabilisieren und den Fachkräftemangel zu verringern, werden immer wieder Erhöhungen des Renteneintrittsalters…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-029 // 2023

    Full Surplus Extraction from Colluding Bidders

    I consider a repeated auction setting with colluding buyers and a seller who adjusts reserve prices over time without long-term commitment. To model the seller’s concern for collusion, I introduce a new…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-028 // 2023

    Too Much “Skin in the Game” Ruins the Game: Evidence From Managerial Capital Gains Taxes

    Co-investment, often seen as a remedy for agency problems, may incentivize managers to cater to own preferences. We provide evidence that mutual fund managers with considerable co-investment stakes alter…

  6. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    The cost of strategy-proofness in school choice

    We compare the outcomes of the most prominent strategy-proof and stable algorithm (Deferred Acceptance, DA) and the most prominent strategy-proof and Pareto optimal algorithm (Top Trading Cycles, TTC) to the…

  7. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    The stability of personal traits and preferences in times of the Corona pandemic: Evidence from Germany

    Based on panel data on around 5500 German households, this
    article analyzes whether the experience of financial losses due
    to the Corona pandemic has affected three kinds of personal
    traits and preferences: the…