By international comparison as well as compared to other EU policies, the EU‘s Cohesion Policy (CP) evaluation system is far developed and institutionalized. This paper analyses the remaining gaps and…
The Flemish government launched its Spearhead Cluster (SHC) policy in 2017. The aim is to boost strategic sectors by setting up cluster initiatives which coordinate collaborative R&D initiatives. In this paper,…
Der Nahost-Konflikt, zwei Jahre Ukraine-Krieg, vier Jahre Stagnation – die zunehmend unsichere Lage setzte 2023 Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zu. Gleichzeitig stehen Deutschland und Europa mit der Energiewende und…
I analyze a model of directed search in which a consumer inspects a finite number of products sharing attributes with each others. The consumer discovers her valuation for the attributes of the inspected…
The consumer search literature mostly considers independently distributed products. In contrast, I study a model of directed search with infinitely many products whose valuations are correlated through shared…
Many governments operate consumer debt relief programs, often timed to match the election cycle, but their political effects are not well understood. We ask if debt relief can influence elections in democracies.…
This paper studies the impact of downward wage rigidity on wage and employment dynamics after the outbreak of major recessions in Spain. Downward wage rigidity stems from collective agreements, which set…
Gesundheit ist nicht nur ein individuelles Gut, das die Lebensqualität der Einzelnen beeinflusst. Der Gesundheitsmarkt hat auch eine erhebliche ökonomische Bedeutung für den Standort Deutschland: 2021 machte er…
Based on data from broadly representative surveys among more than 1,400 citizens in Germany and Sweden, this paper empirically examines the support of different groups of climate-related (passenger) transport…