Durch die Nutzung finanzieller Rücklagen zur Deckung der Haushaltsausgaben können aus kurzfristigen finanziellen Nöten langfristige finanzielle Probleme entstehen. Anhand von repräsentativen Umfragen, die wir…
This article examines the status quo of tax disclosure in the context of sustainability reporting and proposes recommendations for the creation of uniform EU Sustainability Reporting Standards. The analysis is…
Das Potenzial der Tafeln wird aufgrund einer ineffizienten Lebensmittelverteilung noch nicht vollständig ausgeschöpft. In unserem Projekt mit Tafel Deutschland e. V. zeigen wir, wie die Ausgabestellen die…
Using economic games as a learning intervention in 56 Indian communities showed that involving more women led to greater success in sustainable water management two years after the intervention. Participation of…
The manufacturing sector accounts for a substantial share of the German gross domestic product, employment and carbon emissions. Therefore, reducing its energy use and carbon emissions is of crucial importance…
Zunehmend extremes Wetter, hohe Energiepreise, der Umstieg auf mehr erneuerbare Energien und die Diskussionen um ein neues Heizungsgesetz – nicht erst seit der aktuellen Hitzewelle sind Klima, Energie und Umwelt…
Accounting for nearly 8% of global annual carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the cement industry is considered difficult to decarbonize. While a sizeable number of abatement levers for Portland cement production is…
With the aim of limiting global warming, environmental subsidies are a popular public finance instrument to reduce carbon emissions. However, there is little evidence on why subsidies are effective in increasing…
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals faced a unique predicament. Hospital care was urgently needed and society took efforts to prevent overwhelming hospitals. However, hospitals in case-based reimbursement…
This policy brief is concerned with the efficient allocation of subsidies for eco-friendly products. Examples include subsidies for cargo or e-bikes, electric cars, and energy efficient building retrofits.…