In this paper we employ a time series econometric framework to explore the structural determinants of the spread between the euro overnight rate and the ECB's policy rate (EONIA spread) aiming to explain the…
Wir diskutieren die Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung eines Systems des betrieblichen Vorschlagswesens und anderer Maßnahmen zur Stimulierung des Innovationserfolgs. Im Anschluss wird die Wirkung des…
Die Vermittlung von Bewerbern und offenen Stellen hat in der Diskussion um die Reduktion der Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland einen hohen Stellenwert eingenommen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der Reformkurs der…
When estimating the determinants of child care participation, the simultaneity in mothers' decision to work and in the decision to use child care is a major challenge. In this study, we provide evidence on the…
Knowledge spillovers to competitors are regarded as an important aspect of the innovation process. While a company possibly benefits from incoming information on successful R&D conducted by other companies, a…
When academic researchers participate in commercialization using for-profit firms there is a potentially costly trade-off – their time and effort are diverted away from academic knowledge creation. This is a…
This paper investigates whether the size of multinationals' real investments in a high-tax country is affected by profit shifting activities. A simple theoretical analysis shows that tax rates abroad impact the…