1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-039 // 2019

    Inter-Charity Competition Under Spatial Differentiation: Sorting, Crowding, and Spillovers

    We study spatially differentiated competition between charities by partnering with two foodbanks in two neighboring cities to conduct a field experiment with roughly 350 donation appeals. We induce spatial…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-038 // 2019

    Effects of R&D Subsidies on Regional Economic Dynamics: Evidence from Chinese Provinces

    We investigate the impact of research and development (R&D) subsidies on R&D inputs of large- and medium-sized firms and on additional innovation and economic activities in Chinese provinces. A panel vector…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-037 // 2019

    Tax Law and the Transfer of Start-up Losses: A European Overview and Categorization

    Most of the European Member States employ anti-loss trafficking rules. They aim to prevent the acquisition of mere corporate shells with high tax loss carryforwards for the tax asset to be utilized in profitable…

  4. ZEW-Newsletter // 2019


    1. Aktuell
    2. Call for Papers
      • Achte Jahreskonferenz des Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus MaCCI
    3. Personalia
      • Gäste am ZEW
    4. Presse
    5. Neue Publikationen
      • ZEWnews
      • ZEW-Finanzmarktreport
      • Deutscher…
  5. China Economic Panel (CEP) // 2019

    September 2019

    • Konjunkturerwartungen für China sinken weiter: CEP-Indikator fällt auf minus 17,7 Punkte
    • An der September-Umfrage des China Economic Panel vom 4.–18.09.2019 beteiligten sich 31 Analysten
  6. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2019

    Increasing tax transparency: investor reactions to the country-by-country reporting requirement for EU financial institutions

    We employ an event study methodology to investigate the capital market reaction to the surprising political decision to adopt a public country-by-country reporting (CbCR) obligation for EU financial…

  7. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2019

    Oktober 2019

    • Erwartungen steigen, Ausblick trotzdem negativ
    • Eurozone: Konjunkturerwartungen ziehen an
    • USA: Konjunkturerwartungen erholen sich leicht
    • Japan: Konjunkturausblick bleibt verhalten
    • Großbritannien:…