1. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2022

    Would households understand average inflation targeting?

    Yes, they would. In a randomized control trial, we provide groups of respondents from the Bundesbank Online Panel Households with information about a hypothetical alternative ECB monetary policy regime akin to…

  2. Discussion und Working Paper // 2022

    Extending the procedure of Engelberg et al. (2009) to surveys with varying interval-widths

    The approach by Engelberg, Manski, and Williams (2009) to convert probabilistic survey responses into continuous probability distributions implicitly assumes that the question intervals are equally wide. Almost…

  3. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2022

    The role of information and experience for households’ inflation expectations

    Based on a new survey of German households, we investigate the role that information channels and lifetime experience play in households’ inflation expectations. We show that the types of information channels…

  4. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2022

    Uncertainty measures from partially rounded probabilistic forecast surveys

    Although survey‐based point predictions have been found to outperform successful forecasting models, corresponding variance forecasts are frequently diagnosed as heavily distorted. Professional forecasters who…

  5. ZEW-Dokumentation Nr. 22-01 // 2022

    Dokumentation zur Innvoationserhebung 2017 bis 2021

    Das Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) erhebt seit 1993 jährlich die Innovationsaktivitäten der deutschen Wirtschaft. Die Erhebung findet im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und…

  6. IAB/ZEW-Gründungspanel // 2022


    • Die wirtschaftliche Situation Junger Unternehmen in 2021
    • Auswirkung von Nachhaltigkeit auf die Innovationstätigkeit
    • Auswirkungen des Ukraine-Kriegs

    Technischer Anhang

  7. Beiträge in Sammel- und Tagungsbänden // 2022

    Research and development subsidies

  8. Beiträge in Sammel- und Tagungsbänden // 2022

    Financing constraints for innovation

  9. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2022

    Competing for digital human capital: The retention effect of digital expertise in MNC subsidiaries

    Employees with relevant knowledge and skills for digitalization have become increasingly important for the competitiveness of MNCs. However, the shortage of such digital human capital in many host countries is…