In the aftermath of natural disasters, governments frequently provide financial aid for affected households. This policy can have adverse effects if individuals anticipate it and forgo private precaution…
We investigate the effect of individual banks’ liquidity shocks during the recent financial crisis of 2008/2009 on the innovation activities of their business customers. Individual banks’ liquidity shocks are…
Deutscher Immobilien-Finanzierungsindex(DIFI)-Report
While the effects of non-geographic aggregation on inference are well studied in economics, research on geographic aggregation is rather scarce. This knowledge gap together with the use of aggregated spatial…
We investigate real investment, financial revenues and profits in formerly domestic firms once they enter a multinational entity (MNE) through an acquisition. We argue that following the acquisition, those…
In diesem Aufsatz wird untersucht, welche Merkmale Haushalte aufweisen, denen Stromsperren (Unterbrechungen der Stromversorgung wegen Zahlungsrückständen) angedroht wurden bzw. bei denen sie umgesetzt wurden und…