Gerlach and Stephan (1994) proposed a test based on the idea that the "wage premium", the part of the wage which is not explained by the stock of human capital, should help predict variables such as career…
In this paper, we analyse the influence of firm characteristics and the regional environment on employment growth of East German manufacturing firms between 1992 and 1996. Our results confirm the negative impact…
This paper investigates the determinants of transaction price changes during BUND-future trading at Deutsche Terminborse (DTB) and London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE). The analysis uses the…
A framework which allows for the joint testing ofthe adaptive and rational expectations hypotheses is presented. We assume joint normality of expectations, realizations and variablesin the information set,…
Mitte September 1994 beauftragten die Vereinigten Wirtschaftsdienste (vwd) das Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW), einen Indikator zu konstruieren, der die aktuelle Stimmung am deutschen…
In this paper targets, institutions and policy measures for describing and implementing sustainable development are evaluated in terms of their conformity with the economic framework of a market system.…
The aim of this paper is to describe and discuss the weak and strong sustainability approach of assessing climate change and to show reasonable applications, weaknesses, possible improvements and linkages of…
Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den Zusammenhängen zwischen dem endogenen technischem Fortschritt, der Arbeitsnachfrage von Unternehmen und der Qualifikation von Beschäftigten.