Dieser ZEW-Jahresbericht steht in diesem Jahr ganz im Zeichen Europas – was das ZEW in seiner Forschung hierzu geleistet hat, können Sie in unserem Dossier lesen. Daneben bietet die Publikation einen spannenden…
Die zunehmende Digitalisierung hat zu einem starken Wachstum der Plattformökonomie beigetragen. Online-Vermittlungsplattformen ermöglichen Verbrauchern/innen eine professionelle Interaktion zum Austausch von…
We study the political economy of allocation decisions within a major state investment bank. Our focus is the European Investment Bank (EIB) - "The Bank of the EU" - which is the largest multilateral lending…
We extend the canonical income process with persistent and transitory risk to shock distributions with left-skewness and excess kurtosis, to which we refer as higher-order risk. We estimate our extended income…
Organisation capital is a key intangible asset, driving innovation and firm performance. Measuring this asset is notoriously difficult. This paper applies a firm-level production function approach including, in…
International carbon markets are frequently propagated as an efficient instrument for reducing CO2 emissions. We argue that such markets, despite their desirable efficiency properties, might not be in the best…