1. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2021

    Biased Health Perceptions and Risky Health Behaviors—Theory and Evidence

    This paper investigates the role of biased health perceptions as a potential driving force ofrisky health behaviors. We define absolute and relative health perception biases, illustratetheir measurement in…

  2. Fachzeitschrift // 2021

    Extremwetterereignisse: Staatshilfe oder private Vorsorge – wer trägt die Kosten?

    Das Hochwasser im Sommer 2021 raubte vielen Betroffenen ihr Zuhause und verursachte wirtschaftliche Schäden in Milliardenhöhe. Es ist absehbar, dass solche Flutkatastrophen als Folge von Extremwetterereignissen…

  3. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2021

    Cream Skimming by Health Care Providers and Inequality in Health Care Access: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment

    Using a randomized field experiment, we show that health care specialists cream-skim pa- tients by their expected profitability. In the German two-tier system, outpatient reimburse- ment rates for both public…

  4. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2021

    Awareness and Use of (Emergency) Sick Leave: US Employees’ Unaddressed Sick Leave Needs in a Global Pandemic

    We study US sick leave use and unaddressed sick leave needs in the midst of the global severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS COV 2) pandemic based on a representative survey. More than half…

  5. ZEW-Kurzexpertise Nr. 21-10 // 2021

    A New China Shock?

    China has set itself some very ambitious goals. It aims to become the world’s leading nation in science and technology (S&T) before 2050. According to the 14th five-year plan, China’s gross expenditures on…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 21-081 // 2021

    Misappropriation of R&D Subsidies: Estimating Treatment Effects with One-Sided Noncompliance

    We investigate the misappropriation of R&D subsidies and evaluate its consequences for policy effectiveness. Using Chinese firm-level data for 2001-2011, we identify that 42% of grantees misused R&D subsidies,…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 21-080 // 2021

    Profit Taxation, R&D Spending, and Innovation

    We study how profit taxation affects plants’ R&D spending and innovation activities. Relying on geocoded survey panel data which approximately covers the universe of R&D-active plants in Germany, we exploit…