1. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    The Distorting Effects of Imputation Systems on Tax Competition in the EU

    The design of corporate income tax systems and thus the taxation of (cross-border) dividends are encompassed within the sovereignty of the Member States of the European Union (EU). However, these rules are…

  2. Beiträge in Sammel- und Tagungsbänden // 2023

    Die Anti-Stau-Maut

  3. Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    Wettbewerb in der digitalen Ökonomie

    Es gibt kaum ein Thema in der Wirtschaftspolitik, das weltweit so viele Kommissionen, Ausschüsse und ad-hoc Gremien beschäftigt hat, wie die Frage nach der „richtigen“ Wettbewerbspolitik in der digitalen Welt.…

  4. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    Measuring Process Innovation Output in Firms: Cost Reduction versus Quality Improvement

    Process innovation is an important part of the innovation activities of firms and supposed to significantly contribute to the returns from innovation. Analysing this link is complicated, however, due to a lack…

  5. ZEW policy brief Nr. 23-05 // 2023

    Tailoring Migration Policies to Address Labour Shortages

    Labour markets in the European Union are increasingly facing labour shortages. This ZEW Policy Brief argues that immigration from third countries should be increased to alleviate bottlenecks in the supply of…

  6. Discussion und Working Paper // 2023

    Transparency and Policy Competition: Experimental Evidence from German Citizens and Politicians

    A lack of transparency about policy performance can pose a major obstacle to welfare-enhancing policy competition across jurisdictions. In parallel surveys with German citizens and state parliamentarians, we…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-007 // 2023

    Transparency and Policy Competition: Experimental Evidence From German Citizens and Politicians

    A lack of transparency about policy performance can pose a major obstacle to welfare-enhancing policy competition across jurisdictions. In parallel surveys with German citizens and state parliamentarians, we…