1. Discussion und Working Paper // 2023

    Changing the Game: The Role of Women in Experiential Learning

    Using economic games as a learning intervention in 56 Indian communities showed that involving more
    women led to greater success in sustainable water management two years after the intervention.
    Participation of…

  2. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    Energy Use Patterns in German Manufacturing from 2003 to 2017

    The manufacturing sector accounts for a substantial share of the German gross domestic product, employment and carbon emissions. Therefore, reducing its energy use and carbon emissions is of crucial importance…

  3. ZEW Monthly // 2023

    06/2023 – Umwelt- und Klimaökonomik

    Zunehmend extremes Wetter, hohe Energiepreise, der Umstieg auf mehr erneuerbare Energien und die Diskussionen um ein neues Heizungsgesetz – nicht erst seit der aktuellen Hitzewelle sind Klima, Energie und Umwelt…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-023 // 2023

    Cost-Efficient Decarbonization of Portland Cement Production

    Accounting for nearly 8% of global annual carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the cement industry is considered difficult to decarbonize. While a sizeable number of abatement levers for Portland cement production is…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-022 // 2023

    ‘More Bang for the Buck’? Evidence on the Effectiveness of an Energy Efficiency Subsidy

    With the aim of limiting global warming, environmental subsidies are a popular public finance instrument to reduce carbon emissions. However, there is little evidence on why subsidies are effective in increasing…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-021 // 2023

    Hospital Capacity Reporting in Germany During COVID-19

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals faced a unique predicament. Hospital care was urgently needed and society took efforts to prevent overwhelming hospitals. However, hospitals in case-based reimbursement…

  7. ZEW policy brief Nr. 23-04 // 2023

    Tapping into People’s Impatience for Better Environmental Subsidies

    This policy brief is concerned with the efficient allocation of subsidies for eco-friendly products. Examples include subsidies for cargo or e-bikes, electric cars, and energy efficient building retrofits.…

  8. Gutachten // 2023

    Lernende Regulatorik als Innovationstreiber - Anregungen zur Ausgestaltung des Reallabore-Gesetzes

    Reallabore sind Treiber der Wertschöpfung und
    Generierung neuer Märkte. Die Produktentwicklung im
    Reallabor geht Hand in Hand mit temporären Regelanpassungen,
    um Transformationspotenziale zu heben
    und gleichzeitig…

  9. #ZEWPodcast // 2023

    Dr. Katrin Sommerfeld: Arbeitsmarktwunder Migration?

    Warteschlangen an Flughäfen. Stellenausschreibungen in vielen Schaufenstern. Unternehmen, die ihre Aufträge nicht abarbeiten können. Der Mangel an qualifizierten, aber auch an weniger qualifizierten…