1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 00-52 // 2000

    Business Services in Germany: Bridges for Innovation

    During the last 20 years, R&D and innovation activities in the service sector have clearly increased. Especially business services are believed to be one of the main drivers of technical changes and economic…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 00-51 // 2000

    Outsourcing of Services, Imported Materials and the Demand for Heterogeneous Labour: An Application of a Generalised Box-Cox Function

    Over the last decades manufacturers have outsourced service inputs and shared resources with competitors. As a result, service inputs have been the fastest growing input factor in German manufacturing, followed…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 00-50 // 2000

    Länderautonomie in der Einkommensteuer: Konsequenzen eines Zuschlagsmodells

    In der Diskussion um die Reform der föderalen Finanzverfassung wird oft eine Stärkung der Steuerautonomie der Länder gefordert. Seitens der Befürworter wird die damit verbundene Ausweitung der…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 00-49 // 2000

    Jobs. Jobs? Jobs! Orientierungshilfen für den Weg zu mehr Beschäftigung

    Der Reduktion der Arbeitslosigkeit kommt ein hoher Stellenwert in der wirtschaftspolitischen Debatte in Deutschland zu. Diese Studie beschreibt die Höhe und Strukltur der Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschaknd und…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 00-47 // 2000

    Empirical Determinants of Employee Resistance Against Innovations

    Employee resistance against innovations is a virulent phenomenon and there is a broad theoretical literature on its determinants. The empiri- cal evidence is scarce, however, and mainly provides descriptive…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 00-39 // 2000

    New Economy Accounting: Why Are Broad-Based Stock Option Plans So Attractive?

    In recent years stock option plans have become a substantial part of compensation schemes in U.S. companies. While in the beginning companies granted options only to the top-management more and more companies…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 00-35 // 2000

    Internationalisation of High-Tech Start-Ups and Fast Growth-Evidence for UK and Germany

    Investment Opportunities in Central and Eastern European Equity Markets For firms acting in technological niches the expansion into foreign markets can be a way to increase sales and to thus to recover initial…