Modern Slavery

Research Seminars: Virtual Market Design Seminar

Beliefs and Reality

The Global Slavery Index (2018) estimates that about 40 million individuals are working as modern slaves. The paper presented in this Research Seminar studies people’s consumption behavior of products likely made by modern slaves and their beliefs of how they rank in comparison to other individuals. Furthermore, the authors are interested in their general knowledge about modern slavery and how this affects their behavior. They also study potential gender differences. When it comes to moral behavior, females typically do better than males. But is that true for ethical consumption regarding modern slavery as well? The talk presents first results on this timely topic and discusses potential mechanisms.




Prof. Dr. Nora Szech

Nora Szech // Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

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Vitali Gretschko
Research Associate
Vitali Gretschko
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