Product CO2-sting at scale at BASF

Research Seminars: Decarbonization Seminar/Joint Seminar ZEW and MISES

The accounting of product-level carbon emission is of critical importance for companies, not only for disclosure requirements but also to steer and track decarbonization efforts. BASF has set-up a comprehensive program and a robust tool-set to determine the product carbon footprint of its entire portfolio of 45,000 products. At the same time, it is actively engaging with peers, customers, suppliers and partners to drive carbon footprint transparency in value chains.


University of Mannheim


Alessandro Pistillo

Alessandro Pistillo // Director of Digital Strategic Projects, Corporate Development, BASF

Jochen Kurtz

Jochen Kurtz // Vice President for Group Performance Management & Analytics, BASF


Junior Research Associate
Nikolas Wölfing
Zum Profil



University of Mannheim


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