The Draghi Report: A Valid Compass for von der Leyen II?
Sonstige Veranstaltungen für die ÖffentlichkeitZEW-Webinar
The publication of Mario Draghi's report on European competitiveness is timely. There are increasing signs that the European economy is on a path of accelerating decline. The new Commission will need to develop a strategy to support Europe’s future as a location for high value-added industries.
In his report, Draghi issued a stark warning about Europe’s future. But are the report’s findings and recommendations on decarbonisation, the energy market, innovation, investment and financing really on the right track? What key issues and triggers may be missing? Are Draghi’s ideas supported by the current state of economic research?
A panel of ZEW experts will address these questions and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the report’s diagnoses and recommended therapies.
The audience will be able to ask questions in the chat.
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