The Economy of Baden-Wuerttemberg: Analysis of Structural Features and Future Perspectives in a National and International Comparison

The Economy of Baden-Wuerttemberg: Analysis of Structural Features and Future Perspectives in a National and International Comparison

The project consists of three workpackages:

  • Workpackage 1 analyses the competitiveness of the economy of Baden-Wuerttemberg based on a multi-indicator approach covering productivity and wealth, cost competitiveness and technological competitiveness.
  • Workpackage 2 focuses on potential risks in the area of foreign trade and looks on foreign direct investment in Baden-Wuerttemberg.  
  • Workpackage 3 deals with the role of disruptive changes in technology and demand, with a focus on automotive, machinery, services and key enabling technologies. In addition, the development of a shrinking share of innovative SMEs will be analysed in more depth.

Project members

Christian Rammer

Christian Rammer

Project Coordinator

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Georg Licht

Georg Licht

Research Associate

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Jürgen Egeln

Jürgen Egeln

Senior Researcher

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Jan Kinne

Jan Kinne

Advanced Researcher

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Marius Berger

Marius Berger

Junior Research Associate

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Selected Publications

Strukturanalyse und Perspektiven des Wirtschaftsstandortes Baden-Württemberg im nationalen und internationalen Vergleich

Berger, Marius, Bernhard Boockmann, Gabriel Felbermayr, Charlotte Klempt, Andreas Koch, Wilhelm Kohler, Christian Lerch, Peter Neuhäusler and Christian Rammer (2017), Strukturanalyse und Perspektiven des Wirtschaftsstandortes Baden-Württemberg im nationalen und internationalen Vergleich, Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Wohnungsbau Baden-Württemberg, Tübingen, Mannheim, München und Karlsruhe
