Dr. Christian Rammer
Dr. Christian Rammer
Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics
Christian Rammer is senior researcher at ZEW’s Unit of “Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics”. His research activities include empirical research on innovation in firms, technology transfer, and research policy. Christian Rammer is director of ZEW’s annual innovation survey, the Mannheim Innovation Panel, which is the German contribution to the Community Innovation Surveys of the EU. Before joining ZEW in 2000, he worked as a senior researcher at the Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf, Systems Research Technology-Economy-Environment (1997-2000) and as an assistant professor and lecturer at the Department for Economic Geography at the Vienna University of Economics and the University of Linz (1991-1996). Christian Rammer holds an MSc in Regional Analysis and a PhD from the University of Vienna, with a thesis on regional variations in the rate of profit.
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