Guidelines the Future Innovation Policy of the EU

Guidelines the Future Innovation Policy of the EU


European Commission

Period: 01.06.1999 – 30.06.2000

No english project description available.

European Commission, Brüssel, BE
Cooperation partner
Italian National Research Council, Rom, IT // All Souls College, Oxford, GB, Stanford University, Stanford, MA, USA // STEP Group, Oslo, NO // Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, ES // Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris, FR // United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on Innovation and Technology (UNU-Merit), Maastricht, NL

Selected Publications

Innovation in the Service Sector - Selected Facts and Some Policy Conclusions

, Norbert Janz, Georg Licht and Hiltrud Niggemann (1999), Innovation in the Service Sector - Selected Facts and Some Policy Conclusions, Innovation Policy Studies, Luxembourg


Georg Licht
Research Associate
Dr. Georg Licht
To the profile