New Research Group "Competition and Regulation" Founded at ZEW


On January 1, 2012, a new research group started operating at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). The new research unit will investigate economic issues in the field of competition and regulation. A special focus lies on network industries such as the gas and electricity or the rail and aviation sectors. The objective of the new research group is to deal with topics which have recently become more important, such as the enforcement of cartel law under private law or the competitive implications of the German energy transition.

The new research group's main focus lies within two areas. Within the research area "Competitive Strategy and Competitive Policy", the group studies the economic impacts of corporate behaviour, mainly focusing on the analysis of mergers and cartel agreements. The research findings will contribute to policy advice concerning competition law and competition policy with the aim of increasing common welfare.

The second focus lies on the observation of current developments of the competition and regulation of selected network industries. Regarding energy markets, the research group for example deals with questions of an effective and efficient regulation of electricity and gas networks. Furthermore, it investigates the impact of energy supply companies’ ownership structure on their pricing behaviour. In addition, the group studies the integration of the European electricity markets and the shaping of the wholesale and balancing power markets. In the field of transport markets, the group will mainly investigate the developments in the rail and aviation industries.

Professor Dr. Kai Hüschelrath, who has already been conducting research on competition economics at ZEW since October 2006, is head of the research group “Competition and Regulation”. At first, the research group operates with six members.

For further information please contact

Prof. Dr. Kai Hüschelrath, Phone  +49 621/1235-384, E-mail