ZEW Labour Economist Holger Bonin Appointed Professor at the University of Kassel


Holger Bonin, head of research department at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), accepts a professorship for economics at the University of Kassel starting on October 1, 2012. The professorship will focus on labour market and social policy issues. Bonin’s appointment was concluded in a joint procedure of ZEW and the University of Kassel and is supposed to strengthen the cooperation between the two institutions in the areas of research and the qualification of young scientists.

"My aim is to establish a close professional dialogue between ZEW and the University of Kassel, particularly by cooperating within research projects, organising joint seminars and through mutual research visits," says Bonin about his plans. He is now carrying out a dual role as head of the Labour Market Research Department at ZEW and university professor. Beyond the department of economics, Bonin considers the InternationalCentre for Higher Education Research (INCHER), the Kompetenzzentrum für Empirische Forschungsmethoden (Competence Centre for Empirical Research Methods) and the Forschungsverbund für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik (Research Network for Social Law and Social Policy) further points of professional contact in Kassel.

Holger Bonin has been head of the ZEW Research Department "Labour Markets, Human Resources and Social Policy" since 2007. Being an expert in labour market and socio-political questions, he regularly advises European, national and federal state institutions. His expertise is based on many years of empirical research on basic social security, the securing of skilled labour against the backdrop of demographic change, preventive labour market policy and labour supply. Furthermore, Bonin is a member of the scientific advisory board of the next report on poverty and wealth by the German federal government as well as of the demographic committee of the Verein für Socialpolitik.

The University of Kassel was founded in 1971 and represents the model of the "Gesamthochschule", a combination of regular universities and polytechnics. Connecting expertise in the areas of nature and technology, culture and society is characteristic of the University of Kassel. Bonin’s professorship in the faculty of economics and management is located withinthe research area 2Economic Behaviour and Governance". The focus of this research area lies on application-oriented economic and legal research on an international level that draws on a basis of behavioural science.

For further information please contact

Prof. Dr. Holger Bonin, Phone +49 621/1235-151, E-mail bonin@zew.de