Bank Mergers in the Financial Crisis – A Competition Policy Perspective

ZEW Discussion Paper No. 19-047 // 2019
ZEW Discussion Paper No. 19-047 // 2019

Bank Mergers in the Financial Crisis – A Competition Policy Perspective

We analyze a large merger in the Dutch banking market during the financial crisis using disaggregated data. Based on a merger simulation model, we evaluate merger-induced changes in the interest rates for savings accounts. We find that the merging banks decreased interest rates by 3 to 5 percent and competitors by up to 1 percent. These anti-competitive effects translate into a loss of consumer welfare by roughly 69 million euros in 2010. We identify heterogeneous effects indicating that less educated consumers with lower savings are most affected. Our findings highlight the important role of competition policy during financial crisis mitigation.

Hellwig, Michael and Falk Hendrik Laser (2019), Bank Mergers in the Financial Crisis – A Competition Policy Perspective, ZEW Discussion Paper No. 19-047, Mannheim.

Authors Michael Hellwig // Falk Hendrik Laser