15th ZEW Summer Workshop 2013 - Current Fiscal Policy Challenges in Europe
ZEW Summer WorkshopThe Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) is pleased to announce its 15th Summer Workshop forYoung Economists. The 2013 workshop will focus on current fiscal policy challenges in Europe. The ZEWSummer Workshop provides a forum for discussion between advanced doctoral students and established researchers in theirfield of research. Young scholars who want to attend the workshop have to submit a paper. Papers should address one of the following (or related) fields:
- Fiscal policy for growth
Most European countries are likely to face a period of sluggish economic growth.Fiscal policy is potentially important in this context to promote long-run growth, for instance through affectingthe level of private R&D spending and investment. However, trade-offs inevitably arise as these objectivesmay conflict with fiscal consolidation. - Fiscal sustainability and fiscal governance
The sovereign debt crisis poses major challenges for governments in Europe, both for fiscal policy and fiscal governance in general. New institutions have already been establishedto overcome the current problems, but the effectiveness of these institutions remains subject to debate. - Tax competition, tax base erosion and cooperation in tax matters
In the context of globalisation, Europeancountries compete intensively over mobile tax bases, both with their EU peers and with non-EU countries. Manygovernments also struggle to contain profit shifting to low-tax locations leading to significant tax base erosion.
Keynote Lecturers
- Roel Beetsma (Amsterdam School of Economics, the Netherlands)
- Ruud de Mooij (International Monetary Fund, USA)
Call for Papers
Call for Papers (PDF-Datei, 170 KB)
Advanced doctoral students and postdocs within three years after completion of their thesis are encouraged toapply. All participants may apply for financial support to meet their travel and accommodation expenses.Please submit your paper and a CV to summerworkshop2013@zew.de no later than April 7, 2013.
Heinz König Young Scholar Award
During the summer workshop, the scholar younger than 35 years of age presenting the best paper will behonoured with the Heinz König Young Scholar Award. The award is sponsored by Dr. Fridolin Scheuerle. It includes an endowment of EUR 5,000 and a three-month research visit to ZEW. An award ceremony will conclude the workshop. The prize is named after the late founding director of ZEW, Prof. Dr.Dr. h.c. Heinz König.