Professor Clemens Fuest will leave the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). Fuest, president of ZEW since March 1, 2013, has accepted a professorship at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). Clemens Fuest will assume the chair of Professor Hans-Werner Sinn, who will retire on April 1, 2016. In connection with his professorship at LMU, Fuest will be the new director of the Center for Economic Studies (CES). He will also take office as president of the ifo Institute and managing director of CESifo GmbH.

"We deeply regret that Clemens Fuest will leave the Centre for European Economic Research. In his position as ZEW President, he initiated valuable innovations in various areas at the institute. Clemens Fuest is an excellent researcher who has contributed substantially to scientific excellence at ZEW. In particular, ZEW's European and international networking activities benefited from Clemens Fuest. Workingtogether with him has been a pleasure," says Thomas Kohl, Director of Business and Administration at ZEW. Kohl adds that ZEW needs to move on and that work will continue.

Together with ZEW's boards, the search for a successor will now start. "I believe that things will get moving very soon, and I am confident that we will master the challenges lying ahead. ZEW is in an excellent position at the national and international level, and has very dedicated staff," says Kohl.

For further information please contact

Thomas Kohl, Phone +49(0)621/1235-111, E-mail