ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Economic Expectations Almost Unchanged

CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment

The economic expectations for Switzerland improve slightly by 2.4 points in August. The ZEW-CS Indicator now stands at a level of 2.5 points. The ZEW-CS Indicator reflects the expectations of the surveyed financial market experts regarding the economic development in Switzerland on a six-month time horizon. It is calculated monthly by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, in cooperation with Credit Suisse (CS), Zurich.

In the current survey a clear majority of 72.5 per cent of the financial analysts expects no change of the prevailing good economic environment in Switzerland over the next six months. This has already been the prevailing view in our last four surveys.

In the last three months, the assessment of the current economic situation in Switzerland has deteriorated from a level of 57.1 points in June to a current reading of 45.0 points. This movement of the index is due to some analysts who changed their assessment of the economic situation from "good" to "normal". Overall, the share of analysts, who judge the economic environment to be "good", amounts to 47.5 per cent and is therefore above its long-term average of 40 per cent.

Further information you can find in the table of the ZEW-CS Indicator (PDF, 41 KB).

For further information please contact

Lena Jaroszek (ZEW), phone +49 (0)621 1235-380, e-mail jaroszek@zew.de

Maxime Botteron (Credit Suisse), phone +41 44 332 90 61, e-mail maxime.botteron@credit-suisse.com