ZEW Economist Friedrich Heinemann on ECB Interest Rate Decision


“The ECB Council Should Avoid Falling into a Communication Trap of Its Own Making” (June 2024)

Professor Friedrich Heinemann, head of the Research Unit “Corporate Taxation and Public Finance”, on the ECB interest rate decision and the European economy.

As expected, the ECB Governing Council has decided to lower the interest rate for main refinancing operations of banks by 0.25 percentage points to 4.25 per cent. Friedrich Heinemann, head of the Research Unit “Corporate Taxation and Public Finance” at ZEW Mannheim and professor at Heidelberg University, has commented on this matter:

“This first rate cut was excellently prepared by the ECB in terms of communication and is well justified from a monetary policy perspective. However, the persistence of inflation has been something of a negative surprise of late. Both wage growth and core inflation are still well above the ECB’s target of two per cent. The ECB Governing Council should now refrain from making premature announcements of further rapid rate cuts. Otherwise, it risks falling into a communication trap of its own making. Additionally, given the increasing debt problems of key eurozone countries and the recent downgrade of France’s credit rating, the ECB must not give the impression that it places greater importance on the affordability of government debt than on price stability. From today’s perspective, one or two more rate cuts are the maximum that can be responsibly implemented this year.”

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