The somewhat surprising decision of the US Central Bank to reduce the base interest rate from 6.5 to 6 per cent on 3 January this year shall have further impacts until the end of the year. German financial…
Economic expectations for Germany have continued its downfall and currently stand at -4.4 points, according to the ZEW Financial Market Survey. Compared to the previous month, the indicator has declined by 4.3…
In the fourth and final quarter of 2000, the morale amongst business-related service providers has worsened slightly. The seasonally-adjusted rate of growth in turnover has fallen from 4.4 per cent in the…
Business-related service providers make overwhelming use of overtime and short-time work as a solution for cyclical and seasonal changes in demand. Working lifetime accounts and part-time work play a fairly…
The sales figures of German stock market news magazines depend on the state of the stock market. If the market shows an upward trend, sales figures rise, while a downward trend prompts a drop in sales.
At the turn of the year, the first measures implemented as part of the 2000 tax reform have come into effect in Germany and France. Both France and Germany hope that these reforms will improve the investment…
The internet services available in Germany to transfer technology and skills from public research to the private economy are insufficient. There is a considerable need for politicians to address this issue.…
Economic expectations have fallen to -0.1 points in December, according to the ZEW Financial Market Survey. The barometer has thus fallen into negative figures for the first time in almost two years.
One in ten companies in Germany engaging in innovation uses scientific findings for the development of new products and processes. The knowledge and technology transfer between academia and businesses works far…