Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 23.11.2010

    Social Media in Companies – Playground or Business Strategy?

    For 59 percent of the companies using social media such as wikis, blogs, online social networks and cooperation platforms, these tools are part of their business strategy. However, their use is frequently…
  2. CEE Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 19.11.2010

    ZEW-Erste Group Bank Sentiment Indicator for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - Economic Expectations for Central and Eastern Europe Improve

    The ZEW- Erste Group Bank CEE indicator rises by 12.1 points reaching 31.4 points in November. Thus, the economic expectations on a six months time horizon for the Central and Eastern Europe region including…
  3. CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 18.11.2010

    ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Economic Expectations Diminish Slightly

    Economic expectations for Switzerland continued to deteriorate slightly in November. In the wake of the much more significant decline in the previous month, the relevant indicator edged down by 3.4 points,…
  4. ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 16.11.2010

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment - Expectations Rise

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany has climbed by 9.0 points in November 2010. The indicator now stands at 1.8 points after minus 7.2 points in the previous month. This value is below the…
  5. Research // 15.11.2010

    Detection of Cartels Stimulates M&A Market

    In the years after a cartel has been detected, the number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the respective economic sector increase considerably. This indicates a causal relationship between the detection of…
  6. Research // 04.11.2010

    One-Euro-Jobs Do Not Improve Employment Chances For Long-Term Unemployed

    German welfare recipients accepting a so called One-Euro-Job (Ein-Euro-Job) are less likely to find regular employment, which is subject to social insurance contribution, than similar long-term unemployed…
  7. Research // 03.11.2010

    KfW/ZEW Start-up Panel 2010 - There's Light on the Horizon

    Young firms in Germany have coped considerably well with the economic crisis. Their turnover and profit situation proved stable and, according to the firms, will improve next year. "Young firms consider…
  8. Research // 02.11.2010

    Experts from China and Vietnam Visit Ministry of Finance of Baden-Württemberg

    Within a professional training programme at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim, 19 employees at the Chinese Ministry of Finance and other state institutions in China and Vietnam visited…
  9. Research // 28.10.2010

    Every Fifth Firm in Germany Using Web 2.0

    Web 2.0 applications like facebook and twitter have established themselves as information and communication media in our private domain. Today the use of Web 2.0 in business, labelled “Enterprise 2.0”, is…