1. Refereed Journal // 2013

    Do information rents in loan spreads persist over the business cycles?

    In this paper, we seek empirical evidence for information rents in loan spreads by analyzing a sample of UK syndicated loan contracts for the period from 1996 to 2005. We use various measures for borrower…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2013

    Classification and valuation of urban green spaces - A hedonic house price valuation

    In this paper we propose a categorization of green space into eight different types and quantify their impact on housing prices in the city of Aalborg using the hedonic house price method. The categorization was…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2013

    Higher and higher? Performance pay and wage inequality in Germany

    Performance pay is of growing importance to the wage structu re as it applies to a rising share of employees. At the same time wage dispersion is growing continuously. This leads to the question of how the…