1. Refereed Journal // 2008

    Regional school choice and school selectivity: how do they relate to student performance? Evidence from PISA 2003

    School choice and accountability have become popular educational policies in the US and the UK. In Europe, such policies are less often applied. Moreover, even when school choice exists, information on school…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2008

    Age-Dependent Skill Formation and Returns to Education

    This study investigates the distribution of returns to investments in cognitive and self-regulatory skills over the life cycle. In our simulation model, the distribution of returns to education results from the…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2008

    Intra- und intergenerationale Umverteilungseffekte in der bundesdeutschen Alterssicherung auf Basis humankapitaltheoretischer Überlegungen

    The paper highlights selected aspects of intra- and intergenerational earnings inequality in the German education and federal pension system, based on human capital theory. We develop a model of human capital…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2008

    Globalisation of Innovation in SMEs: Why They Go Abroad and What They Bring Back Home

    This paper investigates the drivers and the effects of the internationalisation of innovation activities in SMEs based on a large data set of German firms. We look at different stages of the innovation process…