ZEW Discussion Papers


Researchers at the ZEW participate in scientific debates by publishing their papers. The papers are predominantly in English (marked). For the German papers an English abstract is available. The contributions are intended for a final publication in special interest titles. The discussion papers can be downloaded as PDF or PostScript files starting from 1.1.1998. They aimed at national and international target groups.

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 99-52 // 1999

    Double Bertrand Tax Competition: A Fiscal Game with Governments Acting as Middlemen

    In a common market with costless mobility of all factors, regional governments can attract mobile firms by granting subsidies which must be financed out of wage taxes on mobile labour. Since firms locate where…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 99-51 // 1999

    Optimal Secession Rules

    Should the constitution of a federation allow for peaceful secession ? Constitutionally defined secession rules are optimal ex post if the federation breaks down. However, they may be suboptimal ex ante if the…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 99-43 // 1999

    Cooling Down Hot Air. A Global CGE Analysis of Post-Kyoto Carbon Abatement Strategies

    The Kyoto Protocol marks a break-through in global warming mitigation policies as it sets legally binding emissions targets for major emitting regions. However, realisation of the Protocol depends on the…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 99-42 // 1999

    Federations Alternative Tax Constitutions and Risky Education

    We analyze a two-period model, where risk-averse students divide their time between risky education, leisure and work. The education can migrate. Wage-tax financed transfer to students acts as an insurance, and…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 99-37 // 1999

    Institutional Investment in Central and Eastern Europe: Investment Criteria of Western Portfolio Managers

    This study provides detailed evidence on the recent transitionstate of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. It draws on data froma survey conducted among portfolio managers ofWestern investment funds…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 99-36 // 1999

    Decomposing General Equilibrium Effects of Policy Intervention in Multi-Regional Trade Models-Method and Sample Application

    Policy interventions in large open economies do not only affect the allocation of domestic resources but change international market prices. The change in international prices implies an indirect secondary…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 99-32 // 1999

    Employment Impacts of Cleaner Production - Evidence from a German Study Using Case Studies and Surveys

    The study assesses net employment effects of technical progress which can be expected by the ongoing transition from end-of-pipe technologies towards cleaner production. Empirical evidence is presented on the…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 99-22 // 1999

    Determinanten regionaler Unterschiede in der Gründungshäufigkeit wissensintensiver Dienstleister

    The paper deals with the question which determinants can explain regional differences in the number of start-ups in Austrian and Western German districts when observing the business related service sector. We…

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Kerstin Heres

Kerstin Heres

Information and Knowledge Management, Sales Email kerstin.heres@zew.de Phone +49 (0)621 1235-130
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