Seit zwei Jahren stehen der Wissenschaft mit der IEB und anderen Prozessdaten des IAB umfangreiche Individualdaten mit höheren Beobachtungszahlen und einer genauen Abbildung der zeitlichen Abläufe zur…
The aim of Lot 1 of the project "Current Trends in the European Asset Management Industry" was to collect asset management (AM) related data and to analyse the current developments of the investment funds…
We present a combined, consistent microsimulation-AGE model that uses the labour market model PACE-L, data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and a discrete choice labour supply estimation. The model is used…
This paper investigates tax planning behavior by means of inter-company finance and the effectiveness of fighting back via thin-capitalization rules. A simple theoretical model, which considers the financing…
Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings