In the advent of postal market liberalization in several European countries this analysis provides an understanding in which dimensions entering firms will compete with the incumbent and how incumbents may act…
Google was involved in a series of deals, all of them related to the online advertising industry: two mergers with YouTube and DoubleClick and one arrangement with Yahoo!. Scholars in competition policy question…
The automobile industry is one of the most innovative sectors in the economy and has become also very competitive in spite of its oligopolistic market structure. Besides, the triad traditional automotive markets…
The European car market is characterized by extensive multimarket contact (i.e., the firms are present in many geographic and product markets), a high degree of interfirm linkages, and presence of several global…
Multimarket contact is perceived to be one of those factors, which can facilitate and sustain implicit collusion. This multimarket contact effect has got relatively little attention in the previous literature,…
Political discussion in Germany and other European countries revealed the outstanding relevance accorded to revenue and distribution effects of tax reforms in the field of corporate taxation. Both issues are…
How long workers stay in their jobs is of central importance for individuals’ work histories, employers’ personnel policies and the functioning of the labor market. Within and across industries, companies,…
In this study we investigate the impact of early noncognitive skills on several outcomes during adolescence which are important for both educational and labour market success. Although noncognitive skills remain…
Rising numbers of frail elderly and simultaneously shrinking numbers of informal carers pose a challenge to future viability of the mandatory and non-means-tested long-term care insurance in Germany (LTCI). In…
During the next decades, western societies at a varying speed face a demographic transition that more than doubles the number of elderly individuals in need of long-term care and that at the same time decreases…
Setting up a new firm is a complex process, which comprises many tasks. These different tasks require different qualifications. It can be expected that the required qualifications are provided by different…
There are different mechanisms through which product and process innovations can stimulate or destroy employment. This paper investigates whether a common pattern in the link between innovation and employment…