We investigate the characteristics of cities gaining access to the German interurban bus network in the first two years following the deregulation of the industry in January 2013. Applying both parametric and…
Two years after the deregulation of the German interurban bus industry in January 2013, two new entrants emerged as market leaders: MeinFernbus (MFB) and FlixBus (FB). We use a comprehensive route-level data set…
A fast-growing literature shows that technological change is replacing labor in routine tasks, raising concerns that labor is racing against the machine. This paper is the first to estimate the labor demand…
Das ZEW hat sich im Geschäftsjahr 2015 in einem anspruchsvollen Wettbewerbsumfeld erneut gut behauptet. Dies belegen sowohl der mit 46 Prozent hohe Drittmittelanteil am Gesamtbudget des Hauses als auch die mehr…