There is a large literature on the costs and benefits of immigration within a given system of social security. More recently, economists have begun to address a related question: does immigration and, more…
Germany still has a generous pay-as-you-go public pension insurance with high effective replacement rates and low effective retirement ages. Nevertheless, through a long reform process that began in 1992, the…
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is the first large-scale multi-national greenhouse gas (GHG) trading program and a central instrument of European climate policy. The EU ETS market is still young, but…
The harmonisation of company taxation within the European Union is on the European Commission's agenda since a long time. An equal company tax burden across all EU member states would guarantee efficiency in…
Like all other policy fields and the revenue side, structural policies are subject to the current general review of the European budgetary system. Against this background this analysis considers dual and…