1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-058 // 2016

    Competitive Balance and Assortative Matching in the German Bundesliga

    In this paper we consider trends in the distribution of player talent across association football clubs over time. Player talent is the most important prerequisite for team success in professional sports leagues…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-056 // 2016

    The Economic Impacts of Telecommunications Networks and Broadband Internet: A Survey

    We provide a structured overview of the quantitative literature on the economic impacts of telecommunications networks and broadband internet. Differentiating between wireline and wireless technologies as well…

  3. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2016

    The Impact of Fiscal Incentives for R&D

  4. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2016

    September 2016

    • International Financial Market Data — Assessments and Expectations
    • No Change Expected for Short-Term Interest Rates
    • EUR/CHF Exchange Rate not Expected to Change
    • Inflation Expectations Adjusted Downward
    • Stock-Market…
  5. Refereed Journal // 2016

    Private Hochwasservorsorge und Elementarschadenversicherung: Moral Hazard, der Effekt von Informationskampagnen, und eine Versicherungsillusion

    In light of increasing flood damage, private flood mitigation gains more relevance. We inves-tigate empirically whether the uptake of private flood mitigation measures in Germany is af-fected by (a) the…

  6. Refereed Journal // 2016

    Complementarities in the Search for Innovation: Managing Markets and Relationships

    Extant research has characterized a firm’s search for external knowledge in its innovation activities as either relational or transactional in nature. The former implies that a firm chooses and develops…


    Jahrgang 16, Nr. 5, August 2016

    • Gründungstätigkeit in Deutschland stagniert
    • Räumliche Analysen mit dem Mannheimer Unternehmenspanel
    • Wagniskapitalinvestitionen in deutsche Unternehmen
  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-055 // 2016

    Deregulation and the Determinants of Network Access: Evidence from the German Interurban Bus Industry

    We investigate the characteristics of cities gaining access to the German interurban bus network in the first two years following the deregulation of the industry in January 2013. Applying both parametric and…