Nach fünf Jahren kontinuierlichen und hohen Wachstums kam es im deutschen Maschinenbau im Jahr 2009 zu erheblichen Produktions- und Umsatzrückgängen. Investitionen in neue Anlagen…
Der Fahrzeugbau litt 2009 noch erheblich unter den Auswirkungen der Wirtschaftskrise, doch er konnte sich weiterhin als eine der innovations- und forschungsintensivsten Branchen…
Die Branchengruppe der Möbel-, Sport- und Spielwarenindustrie, Medizintechnik sowie Reparatur und Installation von Anlagen und Geräten konnte 2009 den Wachstumskurs der…
Research conducted by university researchers for industry constitutes one of the main channels through which knowledge and technology are transferred from science to the private sector. Since the value of such…
The present study analyses the role that human capital in childhood plays for the duration of an unemployment spell in adolescence and early adulthood. It thus asks the question how early in life we can detect…
Germany’s 2005 welfare reform introduced two competing organizational systems for the administration and activation of welfare recipients. In the majority of the 439 German districts, a centralized organization…
This study sheds light on the return-to-job of female employees after first birth based on exceptional longitudinal data from personnel records of a large German company. Our empirical analysis investigates a…
The recent decade has shown a surge of firms globalising their innovation activities. This means that these firms have enlarged the number of countries where they perform R&D projects. Hence, for more and more…