1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    Public Investment in R&D in Reaction to Economic Crises - A Longitudinal Study for OECD Countries

    The paper investigates the reaction of public R&D spending on economic crises. We are interested in two counteracting motives: On the one hand, public R&D spending can be seen as a means to fight the crisis, …

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-060 // 2016

    Does it Pay to Move? Returns to Regional Mobility at the Start of the Career for Tertiary Education Graduates

    Decisions taken at the start of one’s career have long-term consequences and one important decision graduates have to make is whether to be regionally mobile when looking for the first job. We investigate…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-059 // 2016

    Do Savings Increase in Response to Salient Information About Retirement and Expected Pensions?

    How can retirement savings be increased? We explore a unique policy change in the context of the German pension system to study this question. As of 2004, the German pension authority started to send out annual…

  4. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2016

    Oktober 2016

    • Konjunkturerwartungen bleiben unverändert
    • Eurozone: Inflationserwartungen nahezu unverändert
    • USA: Moderates Wachstum
    • Japan: Konjunkturlage verbessert sich leicht
    • Großbritannien: Konjunkturerwartungen legen deutlich…
  5. Expertises // 2016

    KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer 2016 – Carbon Edition: How the EU ETS can contribute to meeting the ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement

    The KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer – developed as part of a cooperation project of KfW Bankengruppe and the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) – has been analysing the situation of the German companies regulated…

  6. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2016

    October 2016

    • International Financial Market Data — Assessments and Expectations
    • Rise in long-term Interest Rates Expected
    • Analysts Expect the US Dollar to Strengthen
    • Rising Inflation Expectations
    • Stock-Market Expectations still…
  7. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    The Long-Term Costs of Government Surveillance: Insights from Stasi Spying in East Germany

    Despite the prevalence of government surveillance systems around the world, causal evidence on their social and economic consequences is lacking. Using county-level variation in the number of Stasi informers…

  8. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2016


  9. KfW/ZEW CO2 Panel // 2016

    2016 - Carbon Edition

    Main Results of the Survey:

    • While the Paris Agreement has the potential to be a major breakthrough in global climate negotiations, a majority of German companies participating in the EU ETS do not expect that it…