1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-061 // 2016

    Protecting Innovation Through Patents and Trade Secrets: Determinants and Performance Impacts for Firms with a Single Innovation

    This paper tests a number of hypotheses on the use and effectiveness of patents and trade secrets designed to protect innovation. While previous studies have often considered patents and trade secrets as…

  2. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    Public Investment in R&D in Reaction to Economic Crises - A Longitudinal Study for OECD Countries

    The paper investigates the reaction of public R&D spending on economic crises. We are interested in two counteracting motives: On the one hand, public R&D spending can be seen as a means to fight the crisis, …

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-060 // 2016

    Does it Pay to Move? Returns to Regional Mobility at the Start of the Career for Tertiary Education Graduates

    Decisions taken at the start of one’s career have long-term consequences and one important decision graduates have to make is whether to be regionally mobile when looking for the first job. We investigate…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-059 // 2016

    Do Savings Increase in Response to Salient Information About Retirement and Expected Pensions?

    How can retirement savings be increased? We explore a unique policy change in the context of the German pension system to study this question. As of 2004, the German pension authority started to send out annual…

  5. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2016

    Oktober 2016

    • Konjunkturerwartungen bleiben unverändert
    • Eurozone: Inflationserwartungen nahezu unverändert
    • USA: Moderates Wachstum
    • Japan: Konjunkturlage verbessert sich leicht
    • Großbritannien: Konjunkturerwartungen legen deutlich…
  6. Expertises // 2016

    KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer 2016 – Carbon Edition: How the EU ETS can contribute to meeting the ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement

    The KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer – developed as part of a cooperation project of KfW Bankengruppe and the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) – has been analysing the situation of the German companies regulated…

  7. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2016

    October 2016

    • International Financial Market Data — Assessments and Expectations
    • Rise in long-term Interest Rates Expected
    • Analysts Expect the US Dollar to Strengthen
    • Rising Inflation Expectations
    • Stock-Market Expectations still…
  8. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    The Long-Term Costs of Government Surveillance: Insights from Stasi Spying in East Germany

    Despite the prevalence of government surveillance systems around the world, causal evidence on their social and economic consequences is lacking. Using county-level variation in the number of Stasi informers…