1. M&A Report // 2006

    October 2006

    • Are German companies in clearence sale?
    • M&A activity in telecommunications sector on the rise
    • M&A consultancy sector faces a record year
    • New M&A wave in the European energy sector?
    • Private equity firms increasingly…
  2. Monograph // 2006

    Beyond the Ivory Tower

    This book analyses the impact of patent rights regimes in universities. In particular, it investigates whether patent rights in research results provide incentives to patent and commercially exploit research…

  3. ZEW/Prognos-Transportmarktbarometer // 2006

    3. Quartal 2006

    Deutliche Zunahme der Transportmengen lässt die Preise steigen

    Die Nachfrage nach Leistungen der Transportwirtschaft und der verladenden Wirtschaft in Deutschland wird sich, dank guter Konjunktur, auch in den…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2006

    Causal Returns to education: A Survey on Empirical Evidence for Germany

    The paper surveys the empirical evidence on causal effects of education on earnings for germany and compares alternative studies in the light of their underlying identifying assumptions. We work out the…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2006

    The Effective Tax Burden of Companies and of Highly Skilled Manpower: Tax Policy Strategies in a Globalised Economy

    Company taxes and taxes on highly skilled labour both influence the attractiveness of a particular region as a location for investment. We measure the effective tax burden on capital investment and on highly…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 06-069 // 2006

    The Role of Technology in M&As: A Firm Level Comparison of Cross-Border and Domestic Deals

    Technological change is often hypothesized as one of the main drivers of merger activities. This paper analyzes the role of technology in mergers and acquisitions (M&As) at the firm level. Based on a newly…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 06-068 // 2006

    The Impact of Thin-Capitalization Rules on Multinationals' Financing and Investment Decisions

    This paper analyzes the role of Thin-Capitalization rules for capital structure choice and investment decisions of multinationals. A theoretical analysis shows that the imposition of such rules tends to affect…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 06-067 // 2006

    Taxation and Capital Structure Choice - Evidence from a Panel of German Multinationals

    This paper analyzes the impact of taxes and lending conditions on the financial structure of multinationals' foreign affiliates. The empirical analysis employs a large panel of affiliates of German…

  9. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2006

    Jahrgang 5, Nr. 3 , Oktober 2006

    Konjunkturelle Lage stabilisiert sich

    Der ZEW-IDI, Stimmungsindikator für den Wirtschaftszweig Dienstleister der Informationsgesellschaft, ist im dritten Quartal 2006 leicht um 5,5 Punkte gesunken und liegt nun…

  10. ZEW Newsletter // 2006


    1. Aktuell
    2. Presse
    3. Neue Publikationen
      • ZEWnews
      • ZEW-Finanzmarktreport
      • Financial Market Report Switzerland
      • ZEW Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen
      • Discussion Papers
      • ZEW Dokumentationen
      • Schriftenreihe Umwelt- und…
  11. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2006

    Oktober 2006

    • Erwartungen signalisieren Abkühlung
    • EZB: Zinserhöhungserwartungen gehen zurück
    • USA: Rückgang der Inflationserwartungen
    • Japan: Deflation noch nicht überwunden
    • Großbritannien: Restriktivere Geldpolitik erwartet
    • Sonderf…