Projects of the Research Unit Corporate Taxation and Public Finance

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 25.06.2009 – 31.05.2010

    Public incentives for private investments in education – efficiency analysis, international trends, reform options

    One goal of German politics is to increase public expenditures for education and research up to a share of 10% of German GDP. From the perspective of rational fiscal policy, public expenditures for…

  2. Project // 15.01. – 31.10.2009

    The role of taxes on non-income values in the German tax system

    While the financial crisis is biting into the real economy, more and more companies are expecting, or are already, facing profit downturns.  Taxes on non-income values become, in view of decreasing profits, a…

  3. Project // 01.01.2009 – 28.02.2010

    Ideology and national tax policies in international competition

    The research project aims at contributing to a better understanding of the effect of political factors on national tax policy. In particular, the interaction of the ideological positions of political…

  4. Project // 01.01.2009 – 30.09.2011

    Development of a microsimulation model for the evaluation of corporate tax reforms under consideration of reform-induced behavioural responses of firms

    Within the scope of this project supported by a grant from the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung a corporate microsimulation model (ZEW TaxCoMM) will be developed for the ex-ante-evaluation of corporate tax reforms. In…

  5. Project // 01.01. – 31.12.2009

    Fiscal Impact of Tax Incentives for Business Research and Development

    There is an ongoing debate about the introduction of tax incentives for business research and development (R&D) in Germany. The motivation for such an indirect form of subsidies for R&D depends on the size of…

  6. Project // 01.01.2009 – 31.03.2010

    International comparison of growth-oriented tax systems

    Germany’s tax policy is increasingly affected by innovative concepts of tax reforms in other European countries. Systems like the flat tax in eastern Europe as well as other tax innovations might have an…

  7. Project // 01.01.2009 – 31.12.2012

    The Future of Fiscal Federalism in Germany and Europe

    Research on fiscal federalism has accelerated in recent years and produced important results. Nevertheless, many fundamental questions on the (lacking) functionality of certain federal structures are still…

  8. Project // 01.01. – 31.12.2009

    Giving behaviour and fairness preferences – An empirical analysis

    This project examines empirically in how far fairness preferences have an influence on giving behaviour of individuals, especially on the purpose donations go to. To this end we conduct an experiment where…

  9. Project // 16.12.2008 – 31.12.2010

    Effective Levels of Company Taxation within an Enlarged European Union and Related Supporting Services

    Pursuing the goals of the Lisbon Strategy, the European Commission addresses the malfunctioning of the Internal Market due to corporate tax obstacles. In this context, effective tax burdens reveal possible…