Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2018

    Do Companies Benefit from Public Research Organizations? The Impact of the Fraunhofer Society in Germany

    Among available policy levers to boost innovation, investment in applied research organisations has received the least attention. In this paper, we analyze the case of the Fraunhofer Society, the largest public…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-011 // 2018

    Bank Credit Supply and Firm Innovation

    We analyze the causal effect of the credit supply shock to banks induced by interbank market disruptions in the recent financial crisis 2008/2009 on their business customers’ innovation activity. Using a…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-010 // 2018

    Incentive Regulation: Evidence from German Electricity Networks

    We propose a difference-in-differences (DiD) approach to estimate the impact of incentives on cost reduction. We show theoretically, and estimate empirically, that German electricity distribution system…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2018

    Internationalisation, innovation and productivity in services: evidence from Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom

    This paper examines the links between internationalisation, innovation and productivity in service enterprises. For this purpose, we use micro data from the Community Innovation Survey 2008 in Germany, Ireland…