One strategy for promoting female leaders in STEM professions is to appoint more women to the committees that select leaders. Unfortunately, evidence from other settings, such as committees for selecting judges…
Firms may seek non-redundant information through inter-firm relations beyond their geographic and cognitive boundaries (i.e., relations with firms in other regions and active in different fields). Little is…
When lower prices are available only to consumers who search, firms can price discriminate based on search. We study local German electricity retail markets in which nonsearching consumers pay the incumbent’s…
Der Zugang zu wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsdaten bleibt in Deutschland hinter den internationalen Standards zurück. Eine Umfrage unter den Mitgliedern des Vereins für Socialpolitik ergab…
This paper shows that the American Inventor’s Protection Act, which introduced the disclosure of patent applications after 18 months, i.e. before a grant decision is taken and, hence, before it is known whether…