Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 00-22 // 2000

    The ZEW/Creditreform Business Survey in the Business-related Services Sektor: Sampling Frame, Stratification, Expansion and Results

    No other area of the German economy has developed so emphatically in the past ten years as has that of business-related services. Regardless of its growing overall economic importance, official statistics fail…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 00-10 // 2000

    An Empirical Test of the Asymmetric Models on Innovative-Activity: Who Invests More into R&D - the Incumbent or the Challenger?

    The theoretical discussion concerning the question whether the incumbment or the (potential) entrant invests more into R & D has attracted considerable interest. This paper reports the results of an empirical…

  3. Branchenreport Innovationen // 2000

    2000 - Ernährungsgewerbe und Tabakverarbeitung

    Jahrg. 8, Nr. 1, Mai 2001

    In Ernährungsgewerbe und Tabakverarbeitung konzentrierten sich 1999 höhere Innovationsaufwendungen und gestiegene Umsätze mit neuen Produkten auf eine deutlich geringere Zahl an…