Publications of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

  1. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2003

    DIOGENES - Modellstruktur und Kopplung

  2. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2003

    Special Issue on: Energy Conservation

    This special issue's aim is to first provide ample and reliable empirical evidence on genuine energy savings and their specific cost resulting from conservation programs implemented all around the world.…

  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2003

    Renewable electricity market developments in the European Union; Final Report of the ADMIRE REBUS project

    Which countries offer the best markets for renewables? Are present support policies sufficient to meet the EU renewables target for 2010? Which renewable technologies will have the largest growth in the present…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2003

    Carbon Taxes and Joint Implementation. An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis for Germany and India

    Germany has committed itself to reducing its carbon emissions by 25 percent in 2005 as compared to 1990 emission levels. To achieve this goal, the government has recently launched an environmental tax reform…

  5. Non-Refereed Journal // 2003

    Russia 's Reluctance to Ratify Kyoto: an Economic Analysis

    Brief analysis of recent developments in the russian stance on climate change and climate change policy. The article discusses whether Russia will (will not) ratify the Protocol and what are the driving motives…

  6. Refereed Journal // 2003

    Internationaler Emissionshandel nach In-Kraft-Treten des Kyoto-Protokolls: Wichtige Rahmengröße für die nationale Klimaschutzpolitik

    A decade after the Climate Change Convention from Rio in 1992 the developed world - excluding the U.S. - is likely to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, which will impose legally binding greenhouse gas emission…