Projects of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.02.2001 – 31.01.2003

    Incomplete Employment Contracts, Incentives, and Innovations

    Personnel management departments are always seeking to develop new strategies that offer incentives to employees and that are intended to increase productivity: the introduction of innovative payments systems or…

  2. Project // 18.12.2000 – 17.12.2001

    Welfare analysis of fiscal and social security reforms in Europe: does the representation of family decision processes matter?

    This project focuses on the quantitative evaluation of reforms of fiscal and social security reforms. These reforms generally have an impact on living conditions and on access to resources and affect the…

  3. Project // 01.10.2000 – 31.07.2003

    Distributional Efffects and Fiscal Costs of Wage Subsidies in the Low Wage Sector

    The aim of the project was to quantify the distributional effects of alternative wage subsidies taking into account fiscal costs and the effects of ways to refinance these costs. The main difficulty in the…

  4. Project // 01.10.2000 – 31.03.2001

    Beschäftigungsperspektiven im Bereich von Kreditinstituten, Versicherungsunternehmen und sonstigen Finanzdienstleistern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Informationstechnologie

    The financial sector is undergoing fundamental changes. Typical features of this structural change are the continued internationalisation of business, productivity increases in standardised financial services due…

  5. Project // 01.07.2000 – 30.06.2002

    Determinants Influencing the Engagement in Flexible Employment with Special Regard to Temporary Employment, Loan Employment, and Free-Lancers

    Insufficient adaptability of the labour markets is frequently given as explanation for sustained employment problems in Germany and Europe. The lack of flexibility may be caused by regulations on employment…

  6. Project // 01.04.2000 – 30.06.2001

    Lack of Qualified IT Personnel and Qualification Requirements. Empirical Analyses for Manufacturing Industry and Selected Service Sectors in Germany

    Lack of qualified IT personnel is at the centre of public and scientific interest. One cause for lack of qualified personnel is that the extent of the strong dynamism in the area of information and communications…

  7. Project // 01.04.2000 – 30.04.2004

    Can Improving Low-Skilled Consumer-Services Jobs Help European Job Growth?

    This project is intended to stimulate research co-operation on the topic how employment growth of low qualified and badly paid can be reached without inducing a working poor effect. In this project, 5 topics are…

  8. Project // 01.04.2000 – 31.01.2001

    Digital Economy

    Die Arbeitsgruppe, an der alle Forschungsbereiche des ZEW beteiligt sind, setzt sich hauptsächlich mit mikroökonomischen Fragen der Digitalen Ökonomie auseinander, welche durch die zunehmende Entwicklung und…