Projects of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.10.2004 – 30.09.2006

    Gender inequality within organizations: The impact of human resource policies, other firm characteristics and the institutional framework on the gender wage gap within organizations

    Understanding the differences between men and women in the labor market is a continuous topic in economics and other social sciences. Until recently, the role of organizations - as an important source of gender…

  2. Project // 01.10.2004 – 31.08.2008

    Potetials for the flexibization of regional labour markets by means of interregional labour mobility

    A low level of regional labour mobility has often been associated with persistent regional disparities as well as with high levels of regional mismatch unemployment. Higher regional labour mobility may thus foster…

  3. Project // 01.10.2004 – 30.09.2008

    Wages, Rent-Sharing and Collective Bargaining Coverage

    In this project, supported by the German Research Foundation, the relationship between wages and firms' ability to pay was examined. Particular attention was paid to the question whether the existence and the…

  4. Project // 15.09.2004 – 15.03.2005

    Human capital as a factor of growth and promotion of employment at regional level: The case of Germany

    This project assesses the impact of human capital on productivity, growth and employment on a regional level using micro-econometric methods. The analysis includes various indicators of human capital endowment at…

  5. Project // 01.09.2004 – 31.03.2005

    New study courses in engineering: bachelor and master instead of Diplom

    On the basis of a questionnaire it is asked, how German professors and deans in engineering faculties think of the new bachelor and master courses of studies.

  6. Project // 01.09.2004 – 31.12.2006

    Evaluation of the Proposal of the Hartz Commission - Integration subsidies and wage subsidies for older employees

    This project entails an evaluation of the the following active labour market measures that have been modified or introduced by the laws for modern services on the labour market:Integration Subsidy,Wage Subsidy for…

  7. Project // 01.09.2004 – 31.08.2006

    Family Behaviour: Empirical Evidence on Intra-Household Bargaining

    The theoretical analysis of family behaviour has gained significantly from the latest developments in economic modelling and contributed to a better understanding of intra-family resource allocation. From a…

  8. Project // 01.08.2004 – 31.12.2005

    Educational inequality from primary to secondary school

    The PIRLS and PISA studies on student performance have shown that social inequalities in Germany intensify between the end of primary education and the end of lower secondary education. The question arises at…

  9. Project // 01.08.2004 – 31.07.2010

    Flexibility in Heterogeneous Labour Markets Research Network of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

    Compared to the Anglo-Saxon tradition, the research of labour markets in Germany has been widely neglected in the German economic sciences, even though the economic policy relevance of the labour market is …