Conventional empirical studies on the returns to schooling assume that the return for an additional year of schooling is the same across individuals. In this project we relaxed this assumption by developing and…
The increase in correlations amongst, for example, international stock markets might be a factor that increases the correlations amongst business cycles and could also speed up the international transmission of…
In general, the aim of the project is to estimate the returns to education and the spread of wages for West - Germany, based on the wage und structural census (GLS) 1990 and 1995.In the first part of the project…
In this project, the IAB model is subejected to continued development in three respects: (1) Interfacing of the model for interactive control, (2) integration of an alternative benchmark data set for 1998, (3)…
This project investigates the impact of the knowledge economy on employment generation in Europe. It will first construct knowledge indicators for selected European countries, such as ICT (information and…
The spread of flexible working hours has increased sharply in recent years. Usually the decrease of overtime and subsequent reductions in costs are stated as a motivation for the implementation of flexible working…
The relationship between individual qualification and labour market success is analysed for women and men in France and Germany. Because on the one hand the educational systems and on the other hand the general…
It was the aim of the project to develop forecasting and simulation models for interest rates in the Euro area. The target interest rates are those with 6 months, 2, 5 and 10 years time to maturity. The…