Publications of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-084 // 2020

    Returns to Higher Education and Dropouts: A Double Machine Learning Approach

    This paper provides estimates of the short-term individual returns to Higher Education (HE) in the United Kingdom, focusing on the effects of attending HE on the labour market outcomes for dropouts. Results show…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-081 // 2020

    Evolution of the East German Wage Structure

    We analyze the evolution of the wage structure in East Germany over the past two decades and compare it to West Germany. Both regions experienced a rise in wage inequality between 1995 and 2009 with wage…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-073 // 2020

    Bildungsdefizite Corona-bedingter Schulschließungen? Eine bildungshistorische Analyse

    In current forecasts of learning and income losses due to corona-related school closings, the short school years for the nationwide standardization of the start of the school year and the extension of compulsory…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-067 // 2020

    Demographic Change and Regional Labour Markets

    Like many other countries, Germany has experienced rapid population and workforce ageing, yet with substantial variation across regions. In this paper we first use this spatial variation between 1975 and 2014 to…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-066 // 2020

    Understanding the Response to High-Stakes Incentives in Primary Education

    This paper studies responses to high-stakes incentives arising from early ability tracking. We use three complementary research designs exploiting differences in school track admission rules at the end of…

  6. Non-Refereed Journal // 2020

    Working from Home and COVID-19: The Chances and Risks for Gender Gaps

    As the Covid-19 pandemic causes an all-time high share of people to work from home, this disruptive event is likely to have a long-lasting effect on work arrangements. Given existing research on the…

  7. ZEW Documentation No. 20-02 // 2020

    Digitalisierung und Wandel der Beschäftigung (DiWaBe) - Eine Datengrundlage für die interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung

    Die Digitalisierung der Arbeitsprozesse schreitet immer weiter voran. Im Produktionsbereich finden sich zunehmend über das Internet der Dinge vernetzte Wertschöpfungsketten in Form von Smart Factories und…