Publications of the Research Unit Pensions and Sustainable Financial Markets

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-040 // 2015

    Spillover Effects of Labour Market Reforms in a Three-Country World

    I extend the model-based literature on spillover effects of labour market reforms on foreign (un-)employment by allowing for third-country effects. When the workhorse two-country model is enlarged to include a…

  2. ZEWnews English edition // 2015

    05/06 - 2015

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-031 // 2015

    Does Foreign Direct Investment Synchronise Business Cycles? Results from a Panel Approach

    This study readdresses the determinants of business cycle synchronisation. We test, on the one hand, whether FDI promoting policies may have consequences for the business cycle comovement between countries, and…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-029 // 2015

    Forecaster Overconfidence and Market Survey Performance

    We document using the ZEW panel of German stock market forecasters that weak forecasters tend to be overconfident in the sense that they provide extreme forecasts and their confidence intervals are less likely…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-027 // 2015

    Are SRI Funds Conventional Funds in Disguise or Do They Live up to Their Name?

    In recent years, the socially responsible investing (SRI) industry has become an important segment of international capital markets by incorporating ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors into…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-026 // 2015

    Politicians' Promotion Incentives and Bank Risk Exposure in China

    This paper shows that politicians' pressure to climb the career ladder increases bank risk exposure in their region. Chinese local politicians are set growth targets in their region that are relative to each…

  7. Refereed Journal // 2015

    Measuring Disagreement in Qualitative Expectations

    We assess how well measures of disagreement in qualitative survey expectations reflect disagreement in corresponding quantitative expectations. We consider a variety of measures, belonging to two categories:…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-024 // 2015

    Aging and Urban House Prices

    This paper investigates the long-run relationships between the size and age composition of a city's population and the price of local housing. For estimation purposes, we combine city-level demographic…

Further Publications

ZEW Financial Market Survey

German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI Report)